“Joy of Sex” (1982) directed by Jerry Paris, is a delightful comedy that cleverly explores the complexities and absurdities of modern relationships. Set against the backdrop of the swinging 70s, the film delves into the lives of three couples navigating love, lust, and everything in between with uproarious results.
The ensemble cast features some notable names from Hollywood’s golden era. Actors:
- Joyce DeWitt plays Barbara, a free-spirited woman yearning for excitement beyond her mundane marriage.
- Robert Mandan, known for his role as the suave Carlton on “Soap,” portrays Barbara’s frustrated husband, Howard.
- Patrick Duffy, forever etched in our memories as Bobby Ewing from “Dallas,” shines as Doug, Barbara’s charming but somewhat clueless lover.
- Anne Francis and Don Knotts, two comedic icons, round out the cast with their unique brand of humor.
A Tale Woven Through Laughter:
The story revolves around Barbara, whose marriage has fallen into a rut. Craving passion and adventure, she embarks on an affair with Doug, a handsome young man who stirs her soul (and her libido). Meanwhile, Howard, oblivious to his wife’s escapades, grapples with his own frustrations and seeks solace in the company of a seductive neighbor played by Anne Francis.
Don Knotts provides comic relief as Herb, a well-meaning but awkward friend who inadvertently finds himself entangled in the romantic chaos. The film skillfully interweaves these parallel storylines, building to hilarious climaxes as misunderstandings, mistaken identities, and unexpected encounters abound.
Themes of Love, Lust, and Longing:
Beneath the surface of its comedic façade, “Joy of Sex” tackles some relatable themes about love, lust, and longing in modern relationships. It satirizes the societal expectations placed on couples, particularly during a decade known for sexual liberation. The film doesn’t shy away from depicting the complexities of infidelity, exploring the motivations and consequences that arise from stepping outside the boundaries of marriage.
“Joy of Sex” is not without its flaws, as some of the humor may feel dated to contemporary audiences. However, it remains an enjoyable and thought-provoking comedy that captures the essence of the 1980s with its bold exploration of sexuality and relationships. The film’s success lies in its ability to balance raunchy humor with genuine emotional moments, creating a relatable and ultimately heartwarming story about love, loss, and the pursuit of happiness.
Production Features:
Feature | Description |
Director | Jerry Paris (known for his work on “Happy Days”) |
Screenwriters | Larry Gelbart, David W. Duclon |
Music | Charles Fox |
Production Company | Lorimar Productions |
The film’s soundtrack, composed by Charles Fox, is a blend of upbeat 80s pop and smooth jazz that perfectly complements the lighthearted tone of the movie.
Final Verdict:
“Joy of Sex” may not be a cinematic masterpiece, but it’s undeniably entertaining. If you’re looking for a lighthearted comedy with a bit of spice, this film is worth checking out. Just remember to leave your prudishness at the door and prepare to laugh along with the hilariously relatable characters navigating the ups and downs of modern relationships.